Saturday, April 29, 2006

Load Off (April 26, 2006)

Final projects done
I feel thirteen pounds lighter.
Three tests remaining.

Out in a T-Shirt
I'm sick of it already:
Minnesota spring.

Pencil like a knife
Teacher evaluations;
I hold nothing back.

Brace for the river
Anything but a diamond...
—Seven of diamonds.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Bruno in Trouble (April 24, 2006)

My rebellious child,
expelled from the dog kennel—
Fight instigator.

I pick up Bruno
and take him to McDonalds;
double cheeseburger.

Bruno needs a bath
after the battle royal
I got one as well.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Domino's Pizza (April 21, 2006)

Quadruple seven
Domino domination.
Orgy of pizza.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Leaning Tower of Pizza (April 18, 2006)

The Leaning Tower
uncharted territory
--Celery pizza.

Hot bloody mary.
A flame kindles in my guts
--A spicy future.

Some drink after work,
sympathy for the absent:
gossip festival.

Justin's last week here
UCS without poker?
What a fucking beat!

Robyn and Tina
express thier lesbian love.
Boys with erections.

Bob and Tina chat;
clitoral conversation--
Happy to eavesdrop.

Passover (April 12, 2006)

I leave class early
under Judaism's guise.
Happy passover.

Nap Hunger (April 10, 2006)

Outside birds chirping,
excited about the sun,
wake me for my day.

Everyday in class
I plan on napping later
never follow through.

It's finally warm:
flaunt it if you got it girls!
-Way ahead of me.